Spencer Wenzel PA-C

Spencer Wenzel, PA-C is a Physician Assistant working under the direction of William Terrell, MD. He sees patients at the Marietta and Woodstock locations.
Spencer earned his Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Long Island University in New York and his Bachelor of Science Degree from Shorter University in Rome, Georgia.
Spencer has experience in Orthopaedics, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Behavioral Medicine, General Surgery, and Pediatrics. He also has experience with the Medical Association of Georgia - Medical Reserve Corps.
Spencer lives in Marietta with his wife Taylor,
their son Austin, and dog Harper. In his free
time, he enjoys spending time with family and
friends, golfing, cooking, and watching sports;
go Minnesota Vikings. He is very involved at his
church, West Cobb Church, where he volunteers
with youth, creative arts, and Men's ministries
Education & Training
M.S. Physician Assistant Studies (2019)
Long Island University
Brooklyn, New York
Bachelor of Science in Biology (2016)
Shorter University
Rome, Georgia
Professional Organizations
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Georgia Association of Physician Assistants