Our Latest News Don't wait when you are in pain! Pinnacle offers Orthopaedic Urgent Care Walk-ins in Woodstock and Marietta! (Please note that Urgent Care at our Woodstock location will close at 11AM today. Our Marietta UC will be open until 4:30PM.) Click on Urgent Care below for details.
Elizabeth Whitton/Rehabilitation

Elizabeth Whitton/Rehabilitation

Image for Elizabeth Whitton/Rehabilitation

Jamey Abbott, OTR/L, CHT

Patient: Elizabeth Whitton/Rehabilitation

Elizabeth Whitton is a musician who plays the harp for patients in the hospital and hospice care. While in Florida, she fell and crushed her right arm and fractured her elbow. She had surgery in Florida to repair her arm and then came to Pinnacle for occupational therapy.

"My therapist was very thorough but thoughtful. It was painful but successful! She encouraged me at every stage of treatment and gave me very clear instructions for daily exercises at home. Recovery was much more rapid than anyone expected. My final treatment was to load and unload my harp and bring it into the treatment room to show them that I could resume playing. Because of my great occupational therapy, now I can resume my lifestyle of serving those in the hospital or hospice with my presence and by playing my harp. I can load all of my equipment into and out of the car. I am also once again actively gardening."

- Elizabeth Whitton (Harp Musician)